09 January 2020

Hello 2020: 3 Leadership Behaviours To Clock This Year

If there’s one thing that we can be sure of is that we will be flooded with ads and notifications from gyms trying to capitalise on our New Year’s Resolution List. But instead of telling you how you can lose 20 pounds by next week, we’re going to tell you simple and easy leadership behaviours to adopt for 2020.

Photo credit: US-Women-GettyImages-1160858454

We all are well aware that the new year is just around the corner, and its high time for you to consider to advance your management proficiencies and evolve as a leader in 2020. Change is inevitable! In our fast-paced world, the domineering forces which require change, have now become apparent. Without doing things differently, your team is most unlikely to sustainably grow or last long.

With the rapidly changing organisational cultures, consumer trends, technological advancements and the way teams unite to work for a common goal, we don’t exactly know what 2020 has in pockets for us. Thus leaders, like us, who work better through pre-planning and staying up-to-date strive for a continuous change to find our competitive edge, which infers sustainable growth and profits.


Let’s look at the 3 necessary behaviours, which you need to adopt before stepping into 2020, to welcome the most awaited change. Adopting these three behaviours will enable you, to find the vital connection among the process of changing and meeting your teammate's expectation as a leader.

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Empirical research in change-management, time after time, has proved that often these efforts fail than be a popular success story, despite the resources put into creating the entire process involving change management (Graetz, 2000). This is mainly due to the fact that leaders, instead of embracing change, chose to resist it. This New Year, lets view change as a friend, instead of a foe, as Georg C. Lichtenburg repeatedly affirmed his team with the wisdom of his words saying:

I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better”

The common trait of unsuccessful leaders is the failure to adapt to challenges, expressed negativity and to be impatient with a lack of results. Consequently, start defining change as an opportunity for limitless possibilities with the hope of a better tomorrow. This change will magnificently impact how your subordinates view you as a leader if you chose to embrace it. 

However, it is important to understand that simply being aware of change is not enough, you must encourage opportunities within your team for growth. Most commonly people have a natural resistance towards change. This is a biological fact. In these instances work on making the change within yourself. People have strong positive reactions towards dependable change in others, especially leaders. So don’t fear the unknown, let it surprise you with open arms! 


There are some leaders who only motivate and lead their team members by giving orders and telling them the dos and don’ts. Research has found that the most effective way to lead is by actually doing tasks with your subordinates (Pierce & Newstrom, 2003).

Before this year ends, start adopting the habit to show your team members what to do. Instead of delivering motivational speeches, demonstrate the type of work and actions you expect from them through your behaviour and leadership strategies.

In case, if you want your team members to think out of the box, and bring an innovative idea to the table, instead of ordering them to do so, show what you mean by that. Conduct brainstorming session and lead them by illustrating how it helps to solve a complex problem. Through this, they’ll know the type of innovation you’re referring to. These sessions encourage team inputs and ensure that you listen to their ideas of innovations. You could even use your ideas as an example to encourage others in the team to speak up and raise their own innovative ideas. By being a part of the brainstorming session, your team can see the kind of innovative pattern you’re asking from them.


Successful leaders ensure that their beliefs, behaviours and actions show support for change too. We all know change doesn’t come as easy as it sounds, but leaders who negotiate with the change successfully, lead to being a more resilient and persistent leader who is willing and able to step out of his comfort zone (Lämsä & Savolainen, 2000). The same leaders are found to dedicate most of their time to the process of changing efforts and are more focused on the big picture.

Let us show a theoretical framework, illustrating ways to display commitment in change:

Commitment’s Framework. Adopted from- Conner (2011).png

Commitment’s Framework. Adopted from- Conner (2011).png


  • Invest your resources; such as your time, your energy, and your money. 

  • Be consistent in pursuing your goal over time, even if you have a lot on your plate. 

  • Stand firm and stagnant in the face of adversity; remaining determined and focused is the key to commit for the long-term.

  • Apply creativity and resourcefulness to resolve problems or issues.

Actions to apply as a leader:

Changing for good, doesn’t happen on its own. Let CONQA be your guiding partner from start to finish! Here are a couple of steps that can help you bring the change in yourself before 2020 begins. 

  1. Initiate – Effective leaders who are a true advocate of change; they begin by making the environment for the change they seek. This includes everything, from your inner-self visions to external elements of business context to understand the purpose of change, develop a unified desired outcome, and identify a common goal. Most leaders end up being unsuccessful since from the start, they did not focus on setting a common goal. Hence, ultimately you ought to initiate your 2020 with by bringing a change in your behaviours. 

  2. Execute with us! - Translating behaviours into strategies and executing them is one of the crucial responsibilities of leaders. We have studied how successful change leaders can be more focused and get the right kind of people for the right kind of positions. Join our workshops and training programs, which will help you to break down big projects into small victories, to build the momentum for your 2020. We’ll help you to develop metrics and monitoring procedures to not just measure your team’s progress but your own as well. 
